What is the duration of the trip and how are the charges calculated?

At Drive mate, you can either rent by the day. Minimum rental duration is 24 hours. Your trip can start and end at any time you and your host agree on; however, the smallest unit we’ll charge is 24 hours.

Trip cost calculation

A trip’s total cost is made up of these elements: 

  • Trip Price: This is a vehicle’s listed rate multiplied by the trip length. Each host sets their own standard daily rate. 

  • Trip Fee: The trip fees varies depending upon the age of the driver and the trip price. 

  • Processing Fee: a 2.5% processing fee is charged to cover for payment provider costs.

Overall, total trip cost is generally 30-40% cheaper compared to traditional rental companies. 

Example A: 

Host decides the rental price of his car at $80 per day. A guest, aged 30 years wants to rent the car for a day. The breakup of the trip cost would be as follows: 

Daily Total trip cost: $100 
Daily Trip price:         $80 

Daily Trip fees:          $20

Processing fees (2.5%): $2.5

Total: $102.5

The guest pays $102.5, the host receives $80 and Drive mate receives $20. Payment provider receives $2.5. (for 24 hours rental) 

Example B: 

Host decides the rental price of his car at $80 per day. The guest aged 23 years wants to rent the car. He needs to pay a young driver fee due to higher insurance cost. The breakup of the trip cost would be as follows: 

Daily Total trip cost: $108 
Daily Trip Price:        $80 

Daily Trip fees:         $28 

Processing fees: $2.7

Total: $110.7

The guest pays $110.7, the host receives $80, Drive mate receives $28 and payment provider receives $2.7.

Example C: 

Host decides the rental price of his car at $55 per day. A guest aged 26 years wants to rent the car. The breakup of the trip cost would be as follows: 

Daily Trip Price: $55 

Daily Trip fees: $15 

Processing fees: $1.75

Total: $71.75

The guest pays $71.75, the host receives $55, Drive mate receives $15 and payment provider receives $1.75.