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Trip modification and extension feature allows the guest to make changes on the trip. Whether one needs to adjust the plans or extend the Ongoing trip, it is possible.

Trip Modification: This is when the guest make changes to the trip before picking up the car. Guest can edit both the pickup and drop-off date/time.

Trip Extension: If the guest wants to extend the trip after the car is picked up, it's called a trip extension. In this case, guest can only edit the drop-off date/time because the pickup has already happened.

Guidelines for Trip modification and extension:
  1. Trip modification is allowed only if the modified duration is equal to or greater than the original trip duration. We do not allow reduction in trip duration.

  2. Modification window: For trip modifications, guests can submit requests up to 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup time.

  3. Extension window: If a guest needs to extend their trip, they can submit requests up to 6 hours after the original drop-off time.

  4. Host Approval Needed: All modifications and extensions require Hosts approval. They aren't automatic, even for Instant Booking listings.

  5. Calendar Considerations: If Hosts calendar is already booked or has other reservations during the proposed modified/extended duration, we won’t allow the guests to send a Trip modification/Extension request.